Senior Fitness is on a mission, and we want you to join us – attendance is free, and is on a late weekday morning at the Foundry Gym - Coventry!Meet likeminded Coventry neighbours who also have in mind your objectives of increased mobility, strength and balance.And there’s the added bonus of enlarging your social network, there’s sure to be folk who your interests!
Truly a great time in your life, you have experience, knowledge and wisdom, now supplement these with better health.
Diet, sleep and exercise underpin your health, and Senior Fitness programmes contribute to all three planks
Our careful managed exercise will improve your balance and give you increased core strength, vital protection against falls
Stair climbing becomes progressively easier
Upper body strength contributes to better posture, you can lift those grandchildren without fear of back pain
And as you observe muscle definition starting to appear, you can laugh with likeminded colleagues similarly amazed at their transformation
Our programmes are designed to demonstrate the benefits of improved fitness as your journey with us begins
Frailty is not inevitable, don’t accept inactivity, at Senior Fitness we’ll help you live a longer happier life
And you’ll meet new friends, which will enhance your wellbeing, it’s so important to have social connections